Post Your Bears

Alberta, Canada. This young grizzly was in a ditch by the road. I followed on foot as he walked along his route. He looked back at me several times, but he was really after berries.2350 Route 742, AB.jpg2327 Route 742, AB.jpg
McNeil River, Alaska, August 2023. We were sitting at the base of a cliff when this sow and cub came walking down the narrow beach and passed right in front of us. The camera was in my lap and I had been cautioned not to move a muscle. I had already chosen silent shutter, so I just pressed the button and let it fire a long burst as they walked by, just praying that I got something. Photo is at 100 mm uncropped.
McNeil River, Alaska, August 2023. We were sitting at the base of a cliff when this sow and cub came walking down the narrow beach and passed right in front of us. The camera was in my lap and I had been cautioned not to move a muscle. I had already chosen silent shutter, so I just pressed the button and let it fire a long burst as they walked by, just praying that I got something. Photo is at 100 mm uncropped.
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Wow. She looks kinda thin. Looks like a lot of salmon needs to be ingested before the snow is back.
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