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Get on your Bike 🚴


feeling red-hot
23 Nov 2023
Kagoshima, Japan
Image Editing
Time to raise another one of my POTN threads from the dead.

It was called, "Ride or Walk a mile, take a photo, and Save the Planet".
(I think 🤔)

So for FoP, a new version:
And I'll demonstrate by example.

1) Only cyclists please.

2) Urban or Countryside is fine - I can't duplicate this in both forums.

3) Get inspired by what you can see, thanks to, imho, the perfect speed that bicycles offer us 🌞👍👍

4) Post as many photos as you like.
Include some commentary if possible.

Completely Optional:
Include how many miles/kilometres you rode; you'll have a photographically linked record of your healthy exploits, if you choose this 😁

And here's my first:
Jan 5th 2024
Ah, before the journey, here's my trusty folding bike 😍
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Post #3 Here, I realised I didn't have an ND filter, so I thought I'd break the rules of micro4/3, and push the ISO into "extended low" territory, and at the same time, shoot at f22!!!

Not bad, tbh ☺️

Another 100m downstream, and the road left the riverside.
Bamboo all along the side inspired this B&W.
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Post #4 The final leg, en-route home, and I found this remarkably tiny and lonely tree with a massive orange hanging from it! 🍊

And last but not least, with my handy Olympus 60mm macro, these tiny flowers growing out of the concrete of a bridge caught my eye.
For a total of 11.6km.

Cheers for now,
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I remember that thread, Simon. Always interesting. Nowadays I tend to rely on my phone for images while out riding, simply because my R7 is too big. I do miss my Canon EOS M (the original!).

This was a ride out to buy raw milk from a local farm, about 25Km round trip.


Hopefully we can keep this thread more active. The POTN thread did seem to frequently 'go to sleep'.
I used to post on a couple of cycling photo threads on POTN, can't remember exact thread titles though. I think one was"the cycling photographer" or similar. Can't remember the other. Anyway, I'll try & keep this one in mind, and post some stuff in it. Semi regularly if I can remember. All shot with m4/3 gear, unless specified otherwise.
Couple of shots from around the river I ride, just for general fitness
I remember that thread, Simon. Always interesting. Nowadays I tend to rely on my phone for images while out riding, simply because my R7 is too big. I do miss my Canon EOS M (the original!).

This was a ride out to buy raw milk from a local farm, about 25Km round trip.

View attachment 22645

Hopefully we can keep this thread more active. The POTN thread did seem to frequently 'go to sleep'.
Thanks, and yes, the old thread did spend more time sat on the sofa, eating cake, rather than going out.

And I'm as guilty as anyone for getting off my bike and into my car.

So I'm determined to keep this thread alive...
...certainly while I'm alive 🤩
I used to post on a couple of cycling photo threads on POTN, can't remember exact thread titles though. I think one was"the cycling photographer" or similar. Can't remember the other. Anyway, I'll try & keep this one in mind, and post some stuff in it. Semi regularly if I can remember. All shot with m4/3 gear, unless specified otherwise.
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Couple of shots from around the river I ride, just for general fitness
Fantastic ❤️👍
Please do join in.

It would be great to get some encouragement too, as I need to get back in shape.

And if you guys help keep the thread active, it'll be a much-needed prod in my side 😊
Thanks, and yes, the old thread did spend more time sat on the sofa, eating cake, rather than going out.

And I'm as guilty as anyone for getting off my bike and into my car.

So I'm determined to keep this thread alive...
...certainly while I'm alive 🤩
I'm as guilty! Last year I walked more than I cycled, just, which is normally the other way round. About 1100Km each.

This is from a ride out, just because, about 30Km.

I'm as guilty! Last year I walked more than I cycled, just, which is normally the other way round. About 1100Km each.

This is from a ride out, just because, about 30Km.

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That's lovely, David.
My dearly departed dad was a C of E vicar, ending up in his own graveyard in Ellisfield - not far from you - so churches always remind me of him.
That's lovely, David.
My dearly departed dad was a C of E vicar, ending up in his own graveyard in Ellisfield - not far from you - so churches always remind me of him.
I do recall you saying that previously. Ellisfield church is not that far from here, perhaps 12Km. Church lane can be 'fun' on the bike, especially at this time of year as it does get muddy!

I started regularly taking images at churches, following a thread on the Cyclechat forum 'Your bike in front of a church' (as well as several other 'your bike in front of a...' threads), although I have no religious inclinations. Churches are always (often?) interesting buildings. Here's another, which I have cycled to many times when holidaying in France, at the top of a 20Km climb, 30Km into a 90Km ride.


I do recall you saying that previously. Ellisfield church is not that far from here, perhaps 12Km. Church lane can be 'fun' on the bike, especially at this time of year as it does get muddy!

I started regularly taking images at churches, following a thread on the Cyclechat forum 'Your bike in front of a church' (as well as several other 'your bike in front of a...' threads), although I have no religious inclinations. Churches are always (often?) interesting buildings. Here's another, which I have cycled to many times when holidaying in France, at the top of a 20Km climb, 30Km into a 90Km ride.

View attachment 23107

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Church Lane is quite daunting in the mud. Or snow. Or rain. Or if two cars try to pass each other at the same time 😳
As to religious inclinations, me neither (which really annoyed my dad!), and yet churches and cathedrals - especially in the UK & France - are perfect for visiting and admiring the architecture, or simply going in and having a snooze 😴

Which is what I should do now, as I have to work tomorrow morning.

Catch you soon, and thanks again.
I had a bit of a misadventure back in 2019 I think it was. I don't ride on the road, I cut through a few vacant blocks near my house, pedal 1/2 a km or so down a back road, & then jump on the cycle/walking tracks. On the last 100m or so, I got cleaned up by a stupid woman in a 4WD cutting a corner on the wrong side of the road, which resulted in an ambulance ride to Hospital, a trip into the operating theatre, and Titanium bolts, screws & plates holding my hip together. Damaged my knee somehow which plays up a bit now, & apparently have some bulged discs in my back. Still limp a bit, can't do big hikes like I used to, but still give the mountain bike a flogging whenever I can. That doesn't seem to hurt so much. Anyway, still here, still productive & working, still out riding :) I built this bike from a frame & parts, a Hardtail Enduro. 150mm forks, 1x11 drivetrain, 4 piston calipers, just ordered a 220mm front disc rotor, Carbon handlebars & seat post, 27.5' wheelset. Really really good fun.
I had a bit of a misadventure back in 2019 I think it was. I don't ride on the road, I cut through a few vacant blocks near my house, pedal 1/2 a km or so down a back road, & then jump on the cycle/walking tracks. On the last 100m or so, I got cleaned up by a stupid woman in a 4WD cutting a corner on the wrong side of the road, which resulted in an ambulance ride to Hospital, a trip into the operating theatre, and Titanium bolts, screws & plates holding my hip together. Damaged my knee somehow which plays up a bit now, & apparently have some bulged discs in my back. Still limp a bit, can't do big hikes like I used to, but still give the mountain bike a flogging whenever I can. That doesn't seem to hurt so much. Anyway, still here, still productive & working, still out riding :) I built this bike from a frame & parts, a Hardtail Enduro. 150mm forks, 1x11 drivetrain, 4 piston calipers, just ordered a 220mm front disc rotor, Carbon handlebars & seat post, 27.5' wheelset. Really really good fun.
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Good grief Markus,
What a mess she made of your body 😡
So glad you pulled through, albeit with what sounds like some nasty reminders.

I hope she paid heavily for her behaviour!

Well I've loved cycling for almost 50 years now, and am so pleased that this forum is giving me the motivation to do more than pootle around the city at 5kph 🤣

Keep safe, and I look forwards to seeing more shots after you've completed the new additions to the mean-machine you're riding 🤩👍
I hope she paid heavily for her behaviour!
Cops turned up, took one look & charged her with some offence, failure to turn safely or something, but that doesn't help me much :) She was pretty distraught at the scene, stopped & called the Ambulance, gave all her details so I managed to get compensation for lost wages/income, hopefully she learned from it.
Previous bike I built from a frame up. This bike has seen more changes than Imelda Marcos shoe cupboard. I've tried multitudes of different components on it, different disc's, calipers, drive trains, handlebars, seats, tyres, all sorts. All good fun. As you can see, I ran fat slicks for a year, great on sealed paths, dry, sandy, rocky terrain, but a bit slippery in the wet
buckleys slicksFoP.jpgBuckleys slicks 2FoP.jpg
And this is how it sits as of last week. I've since swapped a Carbon fiber seatpost with different seat in, but that's it. Running 2x11 drivetrain, side swing front derailleur, the 203mm front disc from the Pink bike will go onto this with a different 4 piston caliper when the 220mm disc & caliper turns up. I raided parts from this to build the Enduro bike, my daughter decided she wanted to try mountain biking with me, so I've bought better gear for the Pink bike, and this one gets the benefit of the trickle down effect :)
And this is the bike that nearly killed me :) About 4 weeks post surgery I got the Wife to set up a stool in the shed with some tools close at hand, and pottered around for a day repairing the damage. A few days later I managed to wheel it outside on my crutches, propped it up against the clothes line, lowered the seat, and managed to do a couple of laps around the back yard. Happy again. Sort of.
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