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Technical Questions - Posting and Browsing Images

:yikes: That’s a mighty sweet deal, Patrick! Who’s your ISP?

I have a legacy subscription with Ziggo but I’m contemplating switching to fiber. I will get more for less but I’m hesitating. I’ve been with them through all the mergers and what have you (A-2000>Chello>UPC>Ziggo) for 25 years and it’s been flawless all this time. On Tweakers.net I read a lot of complaints about fiber. So not sure.
We're with Delta, they also provide our gas and electricity. Had the basic package (something like 75/10) but I think they were afraid to loose customers when 2 fibre cables were installed in our street. When commiting to staying a few years with them they upped the speed for the same price. It's more than we use or need, got a wifi-mesh system through the house with a max speed of 450 and on the modem itself with 5G around 600. But I've tested with a cable on the modem and it is indeed 1000/100. Very stable too.
As you know the EXIF was lacking on the board at first, where it did/does show in the gallery. So mirroring the images in the Photo Sharing section in the gallery seemed like a good idea (they’re not actually duplicated!).

When you click on “wee summary tab” you are taken to only your images though. But yes, those not in a mirrored forum aren’t there. Hence the new Attachments tab.

No, there is no option for it at present. But I can look into that, see if I can modify the code. It shouldn’t be too difficult.

It will have to wait until next week though, Rob, as my internet modem needs replacing. That happens next Tuesday. Right now I have no cable and no WiFi. Just G4 on my tiny iPhone. I can’t work on that thumbnail of a screen. Well okay, it’s two thumbnails long…

In the mean time, you know you can click on the thumbnails in the Attachments list and that they open big then, right?

Thanks for all this! And best with the modem!

Yes, I did follow the Attachment links to the original posts, but I also found - as noted - that if I do the CTRL+ thing (Windows, zoom screen), the thumbnails enlarge and retain their resolution, rather than becoming pixelated as I thought they might, so that's a work-around.
We're with Delta, they also provide our gas and electricity. Had the basic package (something like 75/10) but I think they were afraid to loose customers when 2 fibre cables were installed in our street. When commiting to staying a few years with them they upped the speed for the same price. It's more than we use or need, got a wifi-mesh system through the house with a max speed of 450 and on the modem itself with 5G around 600. But I've tested with a cable on the modem and it is indeed 1000/100. Very stable too.
Delta in the delta. Nice.

It’s funny though, when I did the how-much-speed-do-you-need test on the Odido site it said 100Mb, which is what I have now. And they’re right, it’s plenty for what I need. If I were to choose that, I would pay even less than I do now.

All I have to decide is if I still want a (telephone) landline too.
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(I also haven't created any albums, because I don't know what they're for.)
I forgot to answer this, OhLook. One reason for creating albums is if you repost images frequently. Say in the games? I see that a lot: people post an image in the Photo Sharing section and then later post the same image in the A-Z game or the Colors Game etc. With the image already in an album in the gallery, there's no need to upload the image again (and take up extra bandwidth/storage space etc), but you simply repost it from your own, private gallery.

So it's basically the same function as the gallery had on POTN. It's just a bit clumsy with XenForo and not very well integrated with the board. Apparently it's going to be better in the next big XF software update. Fingers crossed...
One reason for creating albums is if you repost images frequently. Say in the games? . . . With the image already in an album . . . you simply repost it from your own, private gallery.

So it's basically the same function as the gallery had on POTN. It's just a bit clumsy with XenForo. . . .
Thanks. I often repost in the games in exactly that way, but I try to avoid using an image there more than once, maybe more than twice (okay, maybe thrice) if the interval is long and I have something that's a perfect fit for the theme to be matched, as can happen in The Photo Below. At POTN I uploaded again for games for any players who'd hidden the original forum. I was perpetually annoyed in nature threads to see that a gallery photo was originally posted in Lens Sample Photo Archive and required extra steps to be visible. That doesn't happen here--we can't hide forums--but creating albums for images to repost would mean knowing in advance what images I might want to repost, and that's impossible with many images.

Reuploading costs the board something, right. I compensate by donating now that there's a PayPal connection.

The POTN gallery, for me, had entirely different functions than as a reservoir for reposting.
creating albums for images to repost would mean knowing in advance what images I might want to repost, and that's impossible with many images.
There is that. And also, the gallery here is just not a well implemented section of the forum. In fact, it feels very much detached from the forum. We have very few private albums there. Those that created them, did so shortly after joining and then never added new images to it. I have a few albums too but why would I put pics in it? Maybe we should do away with the personal albums altogether.

Reuploading costs the board something, right. I compensate by donating now that there's a PayPal connection.
Yes it does. And people donating helps with that.
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