POTN's Chattiest Posters of all Time

Should we be saying “King’s English” these days? :cool:
Absolutely not 🤣🤣🤣

Call me old fashioned, call me suck in my ways, call me a taxi!
I don't care.

I've met the Royals, and nearly stood on The Queen Mother's foot once (no, really 😯), and Charlie Boy isn't half the man that Lizzie was.
Absolutely not 🤣🤣🤣

Call me old fashioned, call me suck in my ways, call me a taxi!
I don't care.

I've met the Royals, and nearly stood on The Queen Mother's foot once (no, really 😯), and Charlie Boy isn't half the man that Lizzie was.
Selfie with the Queen or it didn't happen.
Selfie with the Queen or it didn't happen.
You're too funny Laverne.

As if their body guards would allow selfies... 🤣

But The Mother's Foot incident was in 1991 at The East of England Show, if memory serves. And selfies (and mobile phones) weren't even a thing then.
I found some pics :ROFLMAO:...are you the little boy in the green shirt, or the suit? (Scroll down the page)
No, no...
The near-incident happened in the field they were using as a car park.

For those who don't know, The East of England Show is a bit of a farmers' thing, so The Queen Mother had to come in like everyone else, across a grassy field.

Me and Skygod Girlfriend Mk7 were late for obvious reasons 😘 so our car was near the entrance gates. 😒

I got out, and at that moment, a big, fancy Range Rover brushed my coat as it parked!

"Posh git!" I thought, and I half-stumbled around the back of it, only to find my foot planted, touching the foot of some old granny who had got out of the trunk door 😯

I looked at her. She looked at me and smiled. I said, "Sorry". She smiled again.
And I thought, "I know that face..."
Then I noticed the enormous man-mountain in a black suit stood behind her, with one hand inside the left-side of his jacket, near his armpit.......
It then all came crashing down into my head, that I'd nearly stood on The Queen Mother's foot!

Oh wow!
I just clicked your link 😃
Yep! Those were the shoes, and matching outfit!
It seemed so over-the-top from 6 inches away 🤣
No, no...
The near-incident happened in the field they were using as a car park.

For those who don't know, The East of England Show is a bit of a farmers' thing, so The Queen Mother had to come in like everyone else, across a grassy field.

Me and Skygod Girlfriend Mk7 were late for obvious reasons 😘 so our car was near the entrance gates. 😒

I got out, and at that moment, a big, fancy Range Rover brushed my coat as it parked!

"Posh git!" I thought, and I half-stumbled around the back of it, only to find my foot planted, touching the foot of some old granny who had got out of the trunk door 😯

I looked at her. She looked at me and smiled. I said, "Sorry". She smiled again.
And I thought, "I know that face..."
Then I noticed the enormous man-mountain in a black suit stood behind her, with one hand inside the left-side of his jacket, near his armpit.......
It then all came crashing down into my head, that I'd nearly stood on The Queen Mother's foot!

Oh wow!
I just clicked your link 😃
Yep! Those were the shoes, and matching outfit!
It seemed so over-the-top from 6 inches away 🤣
Amazing! What a story. I am a bit sad you weren't one of the little boys, though! :geek:
No, no...
The near-incident happened in the field they were using as a car park.

For those who don't know, The East of England Show is a bit of a farmers' thing, so The Queen Mother had to come in like everyone else, across a grassy field.

Me and Skygod Girlfriend Mk7 were late for obvious reasons 😘 so our car was near the entrance gates. 😒

I got out, and at that moment, a big, fancy Range Rover brushed my coat as it parked!

"Posh git!" I thought, and I half-stumbled around the back of it, only to find my foot planted, touching the foot of some old granny who had got out of the trunk door 😯

I looked at her. She looked at me and smiled. I said, "Sorry". She smiled again.
And I thought, "I know that face..."
Then I noticed the enormous man-mountain in a black suit stood behind her, with one hand inside the left-side of his jacket, near his armpit.......
It then all came crashing down into my head, that I'd nearly stood on The Queen Mother's foot!

Oh wow!
I just clicked your link 😃
Yep! Those were the shoes, and matching outfit!
It seemed so over-the-top from 6 inches away 🤣
Great story Skygod.
I nearly met the Queen in early 2021. Crossing the road near Kensington High Street, London (properly in my right of way) at traffic lights where the green man was illuminated, a police motorcyclist sped towards me shouting to get out of the way NOW! Got my arse on to the pavement quickly as two black Range Rovers and about 6 motorcycle outriders to sped through the red lights. HMTQ was in the 2nd RR, she never gave me a glance. What an opportunity she missed :ROFLMAO:
Great story Skygod.
Thanks 😄👍
I like your story too.
I did dispatch riding in London for a short time, and those outriders are awesome: more "biker" than "police".

Oh, and here's part two.
It was at that Country Show where my girlfriend convinced me to try a raw oyster for the first time. 🦪
Turns out I'm severely allergic, and not long after we got home, I went upstairs to lie down, but thought nope! I'm going to throw up!!!
So I went to go downstairs, and promptly fainted while sat on the top stair.

When I opened my eyes, the ambulance medic was crouched over me....
"Who are you?" I thought 😳

Apparently, I'd toppled forwards and missed most of the stairs, landing with an almighty THUD!!! at the bottom, where I was all twisted-up, next to the door to the living room.

Girlfriend Mk7 was almost in hysterics.

But the medic said I must have been completely unconscious, muscles totally relaxed. If I'd tensed-up, he judged I would've broken my neck.
Had a CT scan, and they gave me the all-clear, those damn fools! 🤣

What a day, that was!
Thanks 😄👍
I like your story too.
I did dispatch riding in London for a short time, and those outriders are awesome: more "biker" than "police".

Oh, and here's part two.
It was at that Country Show where my girlfriend convinced me to try a raw oyster for the first time. 🦪
Turns out I'm severely allergic, and not long after we got home, I went upstairs to lie down, but thought nope! I'm going to throw up!!!
So I went to go downstairs, and promptly fainted while sat on the top stair.

When I opened my eyes, the ambulance medic was crouched over me....
"Who are you?" I thought 😳

Apparently, I'd toppled forwards and missed most of the stairs, landing with an almighty THUD!!! at the bottom, where I was all twisted-up, next to the door to the living room.

Girlfriend Mk7 was almost in hysterics.

But the medic said I must have been completely unconscious, muscles totally relaxed. If I'd tensed-up, he judged I would've broken my neck.
Had a CT scan, and they gave me the all-clear, those damn fools! 🤣

What a day, that was!
Oysters have never had that effect on me, thank goodness. I bet Mk7 was impressed with you 🤪
Oysters have never had that effect on me, thank goodness. I bet Mk7 was impressed with you 🤪
It can be a serious problem here.
I've been poisoned 4 times in 20 years, though none ended up with me in hospital.

As to Mk7, she became obsessed with looking after me.
The end of that story is seriously sad, so I'll not go into that.
You're too funny Laverne.

As if their body guards would allow selfies... 🤣

But The Mother's Foot incident was in 1991 at The East of England Show, if memory serves. And selfies (and mobile phones) weren't even a thing then.
She'd do a duck face with you for a quid.
Wow, was looking at the active members on those pages. Most my social interaction the past 20 years is via forums. If not for the Mrs. talking to me, I probably would not speak at all. ;):eek: at the same time.
So many names and faces which trigger great memories.
What happened to Canonnoob?
I remembered that he'd used my "TF Signal" as the background in his avatar :LOL:
And I still have the original!

View attachment 19500
I also remember Canonnoob. In fact, two weeks ago I was trying to find a post that he wrote way back in 2008 or 2009. It was a response he wrote to one of my posts. But, search as I might, I failed to find it before Pekka killed the forum. It sucks because I really wanted to save a record of what he wrote to me. It hurts to recall things and not be able to go back to look them up. If only we'd had more time ......

I joined POTN initally to accelerate my learning about digital photograpy after over 40 years experience in film-based shooting, I quickly realized that a lot of folks were simply inexperienced with photography in general, and that sharing my acquired knowledge base would be beneficial to them, especially to dispell inaccurate myths. It was great to help others accelerate their learning, especially in principles of lighting...it was very rewarding to see what TMR Design accomplished, for example. Digital also provide a wealth of opportunities to shoot proofs of principles, that would have been too costly to do with film, to illustrate principles. I also participated in cooperative testing with folks like CurtisN and a number of others on POTN.
Thanks to OP for capturing a legacy that made POTN as popular as it was. There were some generous folks in that world.
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