Digital Speed Challenge #794 - Old Cameras


POTN Refugee
27 Nov 2023
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Larry Griffiths
Image Editing
Old Cameras:
  • The older the better.

  • I have an Old Camera Museum in my lounge room and am trying to build up a collection of all the cameras I have ever owned. The oldest I have found so far is a Kodak 127 "Brownie" which my grandmother gave me for a sixth birthday present way back in the early 1960s. The oldest I have ever owned is a 1903 Kodak Box Brownie which I inherited from my grandmother when she died back in 1970. That camera was bought in Melbourne, VIC Australia and my grandmother brought it over to South Africa with her when she moved in 1911. I have lost that camera during the course of my many moves, but hope that it will turn up when / if I get down to sifting through my parents' and my old packing cases.
Let's see what old cameras you can find.

The challenge begins when posted and ends at midnight GMT on 27 January 2024. The winner will be announced shortly thereafter.

The Challenge Rules:

1. Camera: Any DIGITAL CAMERA is allowed.
2. Time: Any on-topic photo taken at any time is eligible, although photos that have won other competitions should NOT be entered.
3. Size: Maximum image size is 1600px on the long end. Minimum size is 800px.
4. Post Processing: Do whatever you like, and the host will decide if it works.
5. Posting: ONE PHOTO per photographer per challenge. List camera model & lens used. Post brief EXIF data: ISO, shutter speed and aperture.
6. Commenting: No commenting and Likes during challenge. After the challenge is closed discussion is encouraged.
7. Keep it clean, and both family and work safe.
8. Have lots of FUN.

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Thanks to those who entered this challenge. There were not many entries, but they were good entries. Any one of them could have been the winner. From @Stiga 's shop window in Venice, to Ed's (@Dilopix54 ) beautiful old Kodak "Pocket" Camera, to Don's (@OldCrow ) grouping of three. I remember playing with a friend's Pentax K1000 back in 1981, when I was comparing it with my (newly acquired) Olympus OM-2N. Obviously it wasn't a fair comparison as the Pentax K1000, being fully manual, should really have been compared with the Olympus OM-1. From what I remember, the K1000 was a simple, robust camera, which could take a lot of use and abuse and still keep working.

Back on to who is the winner.........

I just keep coming back to Ed's (@Dilopix54 ) old Kodak Pocket Camera. I would really like to see it in "real life".

So it is congratulations to you Ed (@Dilopix54 ). Over to you for the next challenge.

For what it is worth, Here is my old Kodak 127 'Brownie':

all of my old cameras are in a tote, on a shelf, in the basement. i just dont remember which tote or which shelf.

i didnt notice at first but any reason why this only ran through Saturday night? typically they run monday to monday.

not complaining, because its YOUR challenge, i just noticed it now that you mention that the challenge is closed

i like Martin's store front. kind of reminds me of the 'old days' when there were brick and mortar stores with things on display...
all of my old cameras are in a tote, on a shelf, in the basement. i just dont remember which tote or which shelf.

i didnt notice at first but any reason why this only ran through Saturday night? typically they run monday to monday.

not complaining, because its YOUR challenge, i just noticed it now that you mention that the challenge is closed

i like Martin's store front. kind of reminds me of the 'old days' when there were brick and mortar stores with things on display...
Sorry, but I didn't know about the Monday to Monday. I thought that finishing it during the weekend would make it easier for the winner to set the next challenge, especially if the winner is working...... Unlike some of the Olde Fartes, like myself, who are retired. ;)
This was a great challenge, Larry. Too bad there wasn't more participation...I think the deadline caught a few folks off guard...nevertheless, thank you very much for the win!
Don & Martin, your entries were top notch as well ;)
I will have a new challenge up shortly...
Oops - just came to post my entry - didn't notice that it was closing a day or so early. Anyway here it is / was. But Congrats to Ed - a very deserving win.

This is a photo taken through the vertical viewfinder of a 1953 Kodak Brownie Six-20 Model C, using a 1979 Canon FD 50mm 1.4 lens, reverse mounted on a 2009 Canon 5D ii :giggle:

(PS The dirt is in the viewfinder, not on my kitchen walls. Honest.)

IMG_4430 AU Na-T Ne sm.jpg
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