It makes me wanna cry!
Now, this thread is experimental, to the extreme. You shoot something thinking everything is fine, but when chimping or reviewing the shot you immediately dismiss it as a gross mistake because it is completely Out Of Focus (OOF), or the shutter dragged too long, but for some reason, you don't immediately nuke it. Later, maybe much later, you go back and look at the shot again and think, "hey, wait a minute, this might not be so bad after all!" Perhaps you mangle it some more in your editing software and now you have, um, something. Perhaps barely acceptable to post somewhere. Well, you're in luck! This is the thread to display that artistic mediocrity!
Suggestion, since nobody but you know what you were thinking or doing at the time of the shot, probably best to explain what went wrong and how you made the picture just somewhat better. Really looking forward to see your pics here!
Suggestion, since nobody but you know what you were thinking or doing at the time of the shot, probably best to explain what went wrong and how you made the picture just somewhat better. Really looking forward to see your pics here!