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Your Best Church Shots

Very nice pics Fotoi and Paradise!!
Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana, USA. Infrared.

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Temple of the Mother of God in front of Týn in Prague. Its construction took place from the middle of the 14th century to the first decades of the 16th century. Among other things, it houses the tomb of the Danish astronomer and alchemist Tycho Brahe, who worked at the court of Emperor Rudolf II. It is generally said that the astronomer died while dining in the company of the emperor. He refused to leave the table until the emperor burst his bladder. According to the doctors, this is nonsense. The bladder can't burst.

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Chrám Matky Boží před Týnem v Praze. Jeho výstavba probíhala od poloviny 14. století do prvních desetiletí 16. století. Mimo jiné se zde nachází hrob dánského astronoma a alchymisty Tychona Brahe, který působil na dvoře císaře Rudolfa II. Všeobecně se říká, že astronom zemřel při večeři ve společnosti císaře. Nechtěl odejít od stolu, dokud císař nepraskl a nepraskl mu močový měchýř. Podle lékařů je to nesmysl. Močový měchýř nemůže prasknout.

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No. :whistle:
The church of St. Bartholomew was built in Pilsen right after the foundation of the city at the end of the 13th century. The building that has survived was built during the 14th and 15th centuries as a Gothic triple nave with a presbytery and a single tower which, with its height of more than 102 m, is the tallest church tower in the Czech Republic.


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