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WORLDWIDE PHOTO WEEK: Part 949 - Repetition


Staff member
13 Nov 2023
Image Editing
Every week we select a new theme, and then go out and shoot that theme. This week the theme is Repetition. As always be as imaginative/creative as you like when interpreting the theme, creativity is what we're looking for.

Show us examples of Repetition ...

Here are the rules:

  • Because this activity is supposed to encourage us to get out and shoot, please don't post old shots from your archives.
  • Shots need to be taken between Tuesday, after the new theme is posted and the following Monday by sunset (Whenever that is for you).
  • Snapshots and art are equally welcome -- just get out & shoot, and then share!
  • Post your shots at any time during the week.
  • Please abide by the Focus on Photography posting rules
As always be as imaginative/creative as you like when interpreting the theme, creativity is what we're looking for.

An Index to Previous weeks can be found here : WORLDWIDE PHOTO WEEK

That's it!

Have fun!
I saw a lot of repetition of Flipper in this capture.
Nice one! You have so much wild nature nearby to take advantage of. (<< that's the color of envy over there)
Great captures John and Look
Thanks! I've noticed this succulent patch many times, just passing by. This week I stopped because all the little rosettes fit the theme. There are a lot more of them than show in the frame.
Repetitive plants

OhLook and I have the same type of repeats!

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