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Trailblazer from POTN


POTN Refugee
7 Dec 2023
Image Editing
Hi guys,

Thanks for setting this forum up.

I started on POTN in 2006 and consulted that forum when deciding between a Canon 400D and a Canon 40D. I learned quite a bit from that forum, especially as Youtube wasn't as mature then as it is now, so that forum was a source of a lot of information for me.

I am happy that the community will continue in some form, even if in a new format.

I am a bit surprised that this new forum was created at all, especially with the advent of social media and the general decline of forums and blogs, but quite happy that the decision was made as these forums have a better community vibe.

Anyway, enough rambling... thanks for inviting us over and I am glad to be here!
Welcome to Focus. Forums are not quite dead yet I think. Just another form of social media I suppose.
Hello and welcome trailblazer
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