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The smilies?


Gold Member
18 Nov 2023
West Michigan, USA
Image Editing
Here's a strange one...

When using my laptop, I have a huge amount of smilies to scroll through and choose from.
But going back to my desktop system after a long idle time, I find that two detents of the mouse
scroll wheel exhausts the choices. This seems around a tenfold decrease.

Both machines are Win10 updated, Firefox 115.5.0.esr 64-bit.
The only practiccal differeence is a Core-i7 4th gen laptop
as opposed to a Core-i7 10th gen desktop.

Has the library been reduced?
Seems that the entire long list has been trimmed to a few sections. The good news is there are some old fashioned GIF animated smilies, and the bad is there aren't the plethora of the static ones we've had before.
Some of the old ones still work if you type them in manually. 🖥️ ✌️ Most likely, all of them do. They're in the system, but just hidden. Think "treasure hunt."
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Yes, I have trimmed them and added old school ones, gifs mostly. Dave is right though that if you type them, you can still get them to show up. Also, try using your device’s smileys. Many will work here too.
Yes, I have trimmed them and added old school ones, gifs mostly. Dave is right though that if you type them, you can still get them to show up. Also, try using your device’s smileys. Many will work here too.
I can appreciate that, but is the full list still available somewhere?
Okay, then, how about this:

My Windows PCs do not have smileys 'embedded' in their code, and I do not use a mobile phone
or tablet to view these sites. I had hardly begun to browse the smileys available here, and hadn't
taken the preemptive measure of saving the full list of what's available.

Therefore, does a full listing remain available for luddites like me to view?
Keep the in-thread listing shorter if you'd like, maybe just put a reference link up somewhere?
That's all I've been asking about.

My thinking is if there are so many, then there must be somewhere else to find them?
Or does XenForo not make that possible?
Keep the in-thread listing shorter if you'd like, maybe just put a reference link up somewhere?
That's all I've been asking about.

My thinking is if there are so many, then there must be somewhere else to find them?
Or does XenForo not make that possible?
How about this, Craig: https://emojicopy.com
Seems like the perfect solution. And it's way better searchable!
I am going to disable the looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list again... I feel like a jojo!
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