Very cool shot. Such an interesting road.Curvy Highway, Door County, Wisconsin, USA. April was the totally wrong time of year for this shot, but was staying less than 20 miles away so I thought, why not? Best time of year is Autumn, late afternoon Sun behind and to the right side, trees and road sporting some leaves, blue sky and somewhat wet road surface. I did what I could with what I had. That said, I must go back at the right time.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, if you ever visit this shot, there is one, and only one spot ( +/- 5 feet) to shoot from. You'll know it when you see it. I was shooting towards the east. Best focal length would be about 350mm for a full-frame. You will see that same wire going across everyone else's shots. Google up the title and look at Images for what it can become. One awesome spot.
Canon 5D3, Canon 400 5.6 L, f/16, 1/2000, iso 1250
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