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Possible to add SmugMug as an media source?

22 Nov 2023
John C
Image Editing
I noticed when trying to set up an album and add media, that SmugMug is not listed as a valid source. Looks like most everything else is. Is it possible to add SmugMug in some way? Thanks.
As much as we would like to, SmugMug does not make it easy and we have tried several attempts. Messages was sent to SmugMug with no response...

Please consider to use the upload image option over SmugMug embed for the Media Gallery.

Thank you
Yes, I've been trying in vain, on and off, to get SM vids to play. I have not given up yet. YouTube and Vimeo do work.
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Smugmug is a place to put photos on to keep them from being ripped constantly (as much as that is possible these days, which is to say, not a lot) rather than social media, on which most EULA agreements take ownership of anything posted there. So I doubt Smugmug will ever agree to linking in this way. Which makes sense to me, and is one reason I don't post on socials.
Yes, I've been tying in vain, on and off, to get SM vids to play. I have not given up yet. YouTube and Vimeo do work.

Are you still having trouble embedding still images? I haven't had any problems since December...
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