Minor iPhone irritation

digital paradise

Gold Member
14 Nov 2023
Image Editing
I have it checked to stay logged on but after a few hours of inactivity I have log on again. I'm trying to figure out if there is something at my end.
I’m on iPhone as well (14 pro max) and I haven’t had to log in a second time after I first logged in after setting up my account. Maybe it’s on your end? 🤷‍♂️
I never did figure out why this site kept logging me out. There was an IOS update the other day and now it is fine. I wonder if rebooting my iPhone may have corrected it. I have good intentions to reboot regularly but forget to do so.
I never did figure out why this site kept logging me out. There was an IOS update the other day and now it is fine. I wonder if rebooting my iPhone may have corrected it. I have good intentions to reboot regularly but forget to do so.
Great avatar. Loved those two hosers.
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