First thing I did, not exclusively but I can't see why not.What about posting images previously posted on POTN?
But adding photos at this early stage of Focus, and adding new threads, will grow the forum to make it more attractive to people thinking about joining.
I just started a "Canon 1DII and 1DIIn Users Unite!" thread... It seems nuts but the Mk II/n was a great camera and majorly important in Canon's 1D line. It feels right to have a thread for it here, now that everything on POTN will disappear.Post away... there are a huge amount of superb images that are going to disappear when POTN closes it's doors, I for one would like to see more of them saved
(so long as the images are yours!)
OhLook, have you tried clicking on New Media at all?Galleries at POTN were where you showed off your favorites and let viewers know what kind of work you did. I consulted galleries to help me evaluate feedback on my stuff. A Like meant more if it came from someone doing good work in the same genre. Galleries at Focus are so different that I haven't taken the time to figure out how to create one. They don't look effective for the same purposes as before.
No. Actually, I may have clicked but backed out. I don't recall. So many competing priorities!OhLook, have you tried clicking on New Media at all?
Just as I did for the Canon 5D Mark IV.I just started a "Canon 1DII and 1DIIn Users Unite!" thread... It seems nuts but the Mk II/n was a great camera and majorly important in Canon's 1D line. It feels right to have a thread for it here, now that everything on POTN will disappear.
It is good to fill the site and make it look mature for new members. I've been posting some of my favourites but that will slow down to a crawl soon. Sometimes I don't shoot for months. Portugal is only 58 days away.I 100% agree
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