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Images Posted Previously On POTN

Post away... there are a huge amount of superb images that are going to disappear when POTN closes it's doors, I for one would like to see more of them saved
(so long as the images are yours!)
I, for one, will take screen shots of my POTN Gallery thumb pages, and all my "stats" pages, to place in a POTN/FoP gallery up on Smugmug, just as either memories or references.
What about posting images previously posted on POTN?
First thing I did, not exclusively but I can't see why not.

I am not suggesting trying recreate POTN but it is new material to FoP.

I always have linked to my own server, when that became unviable due to HTTPS/SSL I changed to Flickr.

Not sure how much server space FoP has and if there are any issues with filling it.
Lester has a good point. POTN, and everything contained inside it (but luckily not us) will be burned and tossed into the dumpster in a few days. My best and my worst photos won't escape that end, so why not re-post them here, anew? Gotta move forward. It's like when you move. Your old house is in the past, but the new house should still contain your stuff.
Mixed feelings here. When you start a thread, formerly yours or adopted when the original TS couldn't be reached, you fill the first one or two posts with a few of your best images. You're illustrating what kind of photo goes in that category. Entering an existing thread is where I dither. POTN's Urban Fragments (still waiting for its TS) has 243 image posts by me, some containing two images. Even modestly reposting one or two a week would stretch into years. I'd also be posting new photos during that time. But adding photos at this early stage of Focus, and adding new threads, will grow the forum to make it more attractive to people thinking about joining.

Galleries at POTN were where you showed off your favorites and let viewers know what kind of work you did. I consulted galleries to help me evaluate feedback on my stuff. A Like meant more if it came from someone doing good work in the same genre. Galleries at Focus are so different that I haven't taken the time to figure out how to create one. They don't look effective for the same purposes as before.

Displaying your whole portfolio in threads, now that seems just a bit narcissistic.
Post away... there are a huge amount of superb images that are going to disappear when POTN closes it's doors, I for one would like to see more of them saved
(so long as the images are yours!)
I just started a "Canon 1DII and 1DIIn Users Unite!" thread... It seems nuts but the Mk II/n was a great camera and majorly important in Canon's 1D line. It feels right to have a thread for it here, now that everything on POTN will disappear.
Galleries at POTN were where you showed off your favorites and let viewers know what kind of work you did. I consulted galleries to help me evaluate feedback on my stuff. A Like meant more if it came from someone doing good work in the same genre. Galleries at Focus are so different that I haven't taken the time to figure out how to create one. They don't look effective for the same purposes as before.
OhLook, have you tried clicking on New Media at all?
I just started a "Canon 1DII and 1DIIn Users Unite!" thread... It seems nuts but the Mk II/n was a great camera and majorly important in Canon's 1D line. It feels right to have a thread for it here, now that everything on POTN will disappear.
Just as I did for the Canon 5D Mark IV.
I finally obtained one a few years ago, it's just what I wanted, and I want to see examples
and promote discussion about it. I'll keep it until it(or myself) dies, likely,
so I'd like to see continuing posts and discussion about it.
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