POTN Refugee
Hi, a photography enthusiast and a POTN refugee here. I'm so glad that this forum is created. I've been going to POTN for 10+ years and it's sad that POTN is going to end soon. Many thanks to those who created this and who serve in various capacities here. I will try my best to post from time to time. Though I'm a POTN refugee, I'd like to have a fresh start here. Therefore, I do not transfer my username or picture from there.
Oh, by the way, is this new forum open for donation? I cannot give much, but having member donation might keep this site healthy. People won't get burned out so easily, I guess.
Oh, by the way, is this new forum open for donation? I cannot give much, but having member donation might keep this site healthy. People won't get burned out so easily, I guess.