Hi all, lurker to contributer

Reheat module

POTN Refugee
24 Nov 2023
Image Editing
Hello to all, Paul here - a long time lurker, but starting to dip my toes into the contributary phase with some images. A Canon user, I've already picked up tips and tricks from fellow members through your advice and experiences. I'm looking forward to gaining deeper insights and enjoying everyone's work.
Hello Paul! Glad you've turned from lurker to participator ;) it's really a lot more fun..
It's so great that you've learned from other members, we all can learn a thing or 2 from others.
I'm looking forward to seeing how you enjoy photography. Thank you for sharing your experiences here on Focus on Photography! :Leap:
Great to hear, Paul! Based on what you have shared so far, you’re doing great. Any of us would be proud to have a shot as good as your fritillary photo! Looking forward to seeing more.
Hey Paul, glad you came out of the closet. :) Share away, that's what this place is for.
Hello Paul. :wave:

I’m glad you decided to start sharing your work with us. I saw your Kingfisher pics earlier today. They were great. I’m looking forward to seeing more from you. Welcome to Focus on Photography.
Welcome, Paul.

Grab a drink, have a seat, and look around.
You'll find this place and our members to be a rather welcoming and accepting crew,
so don't hesitate to contribute and ask. We're all here as a group of friends in a common interest.
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