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Hello from the North of the UK


POTN Refugee
21 Dec 2023
Cumbria, UK
Image Editing
Hey all from the northern damp hinterlands of Penrith in Cumbria.

Fresh forum member here, creases still here from the packet, but a longer term shooter and ex-POTN member since 2007. I've been shooting less over the past few years though as other hobbies and life have taken over. A recent trip to Wales re-ignited the smouldering spark as I took the 5D with me instead of just the phone camera - and the feel of the camera up the eye felt good again :)

I've cycled through a few cameras over the years, a 110 film based device, Canon IXUS II APS compact, Fuji 6900Z bridge, Canon 350D, 40D and my current 5D MK III.

Never had a particular focus, I've ended up shooting what has taken my fancy at the time, but have dabbled a bit in landscapes, cityscapes and details, rally sport, interiors, general walk arounds, bands etc.

Currently mainly looking to improve my setup for archiving my wife's artwork (mainly acrylic with some watercolour) for re-print and web purposes to help her get off the ground with that. I think I've absorbed most of those threads here and elsewhere so the questions should be at least partially sane :D

Cheers, Greg
Welcome, Greg! Good to have you join us. Being from POTN, the site should look very familiar to you. The software is a bit different but hopefully shouldn’t take too long to get the hang of.
Hey Greg! About time you showed up to hang with the rest of us!!
Glad you could make it.. Straighten out those creases and relax a bit, find some old friends.. show us some photos! ;)
Your creases are well-earned, Greg.
Let them ease out and dive in to what we have here.

We're a lot of what you know from POTN, and we welcome you.
Dig in and enjoy, mate!
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