Daffodil Hunter
POTN Refugee
I felt this was a game changer in portrait photography. It's frustrating to find a perfectly lit, exposed, and posed portrait with OOF capture. There's no doubt I capture more focused portraits with my Olympus em1-II than 5DSR as u43 has Eye-AF and my DSLR doesn't. And I love to shoot wide open. I've had many pictures where the wrong eye were in focus and it makes for an interesting portrait.
I swear, I'm over GAS and don't really have the need to buy more stuff. But I think I NEED a mirrorless FF with a killer EYE-AF tracking body.
What say you?
I swear, I'm over GAS and don't really have the need to buy more stuff. But I think I NEED a mirrorless FF with a killer EYE-AF tracking body.
What say you?