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Canon EF 11-24mm F/4L USM


15 Nov 2023
Planet Earth
Image Editing
Red Wall Cavern on the Colorado river, Arizona
Canon EOS 5DS R • Canon EF 11-24mm F4L USM @11mm • 1/10 • f/11 • ISO 100


Note: The person who started this thread at POTN has not posted in over 5 years.
I stayed at this hotel once as a child, and then again about 23 years ago. As a child, it was a Holiday Inn. In 2001 or so it was just the Inn at Afton, and already in significant decline with sections of rooms not habitable although the dining room was still running. I had breakfast here in the late 2000s; possibly they were no longer letting rooms but who knows. It's been a sad story for over 20 years now.

With this lens at 11mm, the broken glass was just a foot or so away. I'm mildly annoyed that the framing missed the bible on the floor; I might have to go back and reframe this one.

I've been working on this concept for a while and I'm not happy with it yet. I want an overcast day, for starts, to knock down the contrast a bit. I used flash here but I'd prefer to have the scene illuminated from the outside, as it is in real life. Also with the tripod fixed I can use the intervalometer to take images driving down the street. But this shows the wide AoV that this lens has.

The front of the bus, window to door, is probably right around 2m (6.5') wide on the inside.

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