So let's tell the world where are you going to shoot in 2024.
I am at home in Washington now. I had planned to travel to Minnesota for boreal bird species in January, and to Arizona for Gila Monsters this March. BUT ..... this fall I had to put a LOT of money into my aging car, so I may not get to do either of those trips.
I will go back to Pennsylvania in early May and stay there for at least 6 weeks, because my brother will have some work for me. On the way to PA I hope to spend several days in Ohio to photograph warblers, either the Magee Marsh and/or a state forest in southern Ohio.
While in Pennsylvania, I will travel to the Poconos for day trips to photograph warblers, and to Ocean City, New Jersey to photograph various species of wading birds at a large rookery - Ibis, Herons, and Egrets. I'll also make a few outings for reptiles and amphibians.
On my trip back across the country, if I have extra money, I will detour down to Georgia to search for and photograph reptiles and amphibians, down to the southernmost point of Texas for songbirds, and definitely to the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona for reptiles. This would most likely be in late June, July, or early August. Would prefer for the trip from PA back to WA to take 4 or 5 weeks ..... but that all depends on how much I can earn while in PA working.
Then of course in November I will travel to photograph Whitetail Deer during their mating season as I do every year. Not sure exactly where I will go because this upcoming fall it looks like several different areas may have a number of big bucks - Montana, Colorado, Minnesota, Virginia, Ohio, and Tennessee. If I'm nearly broke I'll settle for my typical Colorado / Montana trip, but if I have enough money then I will go to Minnesota and/or Virginia and/or Tennessee after Colorado.