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it must be my imagination
11 Nov 2023
SF Bay Area, California
Image Editing
The new set of forum rules needs routine copy editing. No big changes, but little ones that will make a better impression on readers who notice such things. I can't get in to do it.
The same applies to Image Posting Rules, where I have questions as well as editing changes. I can't even copy the post for posting elsewhere to add comments. Not clear how to work on stickies under these conditions.
OhLook said, "The new set of forum rules needs routine copy editing. "

Oh look, here's OhLook! 😇 Can you give an example of the 'copy editing' that you think is appropriate?
Oh look, here's OhLook! 😇 Can you give an example of the 'copy editing' that you think is appropriate?
Without either of those stickies in front of me, one thing I can say is that I noticed several number errors (i.e., singular/plural: verb doesn't match subject). Those are easily fixed.

Some people bristle at any suggestion that their writing isn't perfect. They shouldn't. It doesn't mean they're mentally deficient. Individuals are trained in different specialties, that's all. Typically, the authors whose work I edited most recently had doctorate degrees.
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