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fixed-lens photo challenge

  1. Dilopix54

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge # 309 Fall Colors

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #309 Fall Colors Coming up with something on the fly here... Fall Colors is very topical. Show me your best! As a side note: Please respect the No Commenting rule...Just like American Airlines, you will be called out publicly in the future for commenting Remember, if...
  2. NixEre

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge # 308 CLOCK

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge # 308 Clock A timekeeper in any shape, form, format , subject or material - clock, watch, sundial, whatever! As our clocks are changing to Winter Time this coming weekend, this seemed the right time for this challenge. Remember, if you post a photo, you may be the...
  3. T

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge # 307 Art

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge # 307 Art Art in any shape, form, format , subject and material Remember, if you post a photo, you may be the winner. Be prepared to host and judge a new challenge. To submit, put your photo title in the first line of the post, followed by your photo, and click...
  4. RDWP

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #306: Wind

    The subject for the week is "Wind" - wide open for your interpretation. Could be good wind, or not so good wind (like what hit NC last week, or about to hit Florida again). Could just be the breath of autumn's being ... . :geek: (Nerd Face) Post until Monday noon GMT, 14 October 2024...
  5. Stiga

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #305 - Spatial Recession

    Spatial recession in photography is the relationship between objects which appear to lie near to the observer and those which seem further away, and thus recede . This is a good example: © False Start Post until Monday noon GMT, 7th October Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only! Camera...
  6. RDWP

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #304: Community

    The subject for the week is "Community" - something that captures an aspect of your own town or neighbourhood. For fun, I asked ChatGPT what kind of photos s/he would take on the topic. Here's what I got: Local Events, Neighborhood Portraits, Community Spaces, Local Businesses, Volunteer...
  7. OldCrow

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge # 303: Spoons

    The challenge this week is SPOONS. One or many; big or small; wood, plastic or metal -- all are good. Show us your spoons. Post until Monday noon GMT, 23 September 2024. Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only! Camera model must be indicated. Remember, if you post a photo, you may be the...
  8. RDWP

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #302: Fall

    In honour of JimAskew :rolleyes: and the approaching time of year (on this side of the equator anyway), this week's topic is Fall. Any interpretation - not necessarily the season - or the action. Post until Monday noon GMT, 2 September 2024. Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only! Camera...
  9. ShutterbugsstationStan

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #301: Bird Or Birds With Flower(s)

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #301: Bird Or Birds With Flower(s) Post your favorite photo of a Bird or Birds (Feathered Friends) upon or accompanied by a flower or flowers. Remember, if you post a photo, you may be the winner. Be prepared to host and judge a new challenge. To submit, put your...
  10. RDWP

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #300: Seeing Red

    Seeing Red: Could be the colour. Could be the emotion. And, Yea! We reached #300!! Post until Monday noon GMT, 2 September 2024. Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only! Camera model must be indicated. Remember, if you post a photo, you may be the winner. Be prepared to host a new...
  11. Stiga

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #299: Golden Hour

    I think you all know what the Golden Hour is but, to be, sure, this is how Skylum descibes it "The golden hour is the first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset. During the golden hour, the sun is lower in the sky, casting a softer, more diffused light. This means you’ll have less...
  12. RDWP

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #298: Comms

    Inspired by a disagreement I'm having this morning with my mobile phone provider, this week's subject is Communications. Any means, method or device, hi-tech or low, over-priced or free. Yours to interpret. Post until Monday noon GMT, 19 August 2024. Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only...
  13. T

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #296: Paper or Cardboard

    This weeks subject: Paper or Cardboard --- Any interpretation will do as long as it shows paper or cardboard ,enjoy yourselves :) Post until Monday noon GMT, 5th August 2024 Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only! Camera model must be indicated. Remember, if you post a photo, you may...
  14. RDWP

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #295: Warning!

    This weeks subject: Warning! Yours to interpret and illustrate. Post until Monday noon GMT, 29 July 2024. Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only! Camera model must be indicated. Remember, if you post a photo, you may be the winner. Be prepared to host a new challenge. To submit, put...
  15. OldCrow

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #294: Anthropomorphism

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #294: Subject: Anthropomorphism Anthropomorphism is the act of assigning human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. Look at how a 3-pronged outlet is looking back at you. Or how the knot in a tree resembles an old man frowning. How about slappin...
  16. JimAskew

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #293: Cars or Vehicles

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #293: Subject: Cars or Vehicles Show us your best photo of a car or a vehicle. Bright colors and car/vehicle uniqueness will make your photo stand out! As always great composure and great exposure will carry the day. Remember, if you post a photo, you may be the...
  17. Stiga

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #292: Leading Lines

    Challenge #292: Leading Lines In landscape photography it’s often helpful to have a visual path that draws your eye through the image. When you start to look for leading lines, you’ll see them everywhere in good landscape photos, sometimes leading from the foreground to the background...
  18. OldCrow

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #291: Selective Color

    Challenge #291: Selective Color The selective color effect is a photography technique which involves accentuating and intensifying specific colors present in an image while simultaneously desaturating or reducing the vibrancy of the remaining colors. This effect enables the photographer to...
  19. RDWP

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #290: Odd Couples

    Subject of the week is Odd Couples: might be people, unusual pairings, yin & yang sorts of things, or bits that don't fit, etc etc. Yours to interpret. Post until Monday noon GMT, 17 June 2024. Photos taken with fixed-lens cameras only! Camera model must be indicated. Remember, if you post...
  20. OldCrow

    Fixed-Lens Photo Challenge #289: A Line From A Song

    This week’s challenge, A Line From a Song, may strike a chord with music lovers and visual storytellers alike. Cue up your favorite tunes and pick a line that sparks your imagination and create an image that embodies this specific lyric capturing its mood, story, or message through your lens...
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