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  1. bryanpereira

    Digging in the Dirt (Elephants)

    Elephants staying healthy by digging up some salt and other minerals D850 200 to 400 f4 280mm 1/400 f5.6 iso 640 Feb photo safari E Africa
  2. bryanpereira

    Elephant Gathering

    Haven't posted any elephants for a while. Part of a large herd of 25 or so around a watering hole, didnt need a super long lens D850 28 to 300 f3.5 180mm f5.6 1/400 iso 400 (uncropped) Feb 2024 photo safari East Africa
  3. bryanpereira

    Elephants at Play

    Just liked the composition of these elephants at play D850 200-400 f4 350mm 1/400 f4 iso720
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