
  1. Levina de Ruijter

    Introducing Articles!

    Dear members, We have decided to add Articles to our forum. Articles is a XenForo forum category. It contains threads that live on the board in their own "Articles" forum, but are tailored for, well, articles and as such look distinctly different from normal threads. They're actually not...
  2. West Coast Birder

    Nikon Will Announce the Z6 III Camera on June 17

    Just a week away! Nikon shooters, something to look forward to! Nikon will announce its latest camera, the Z6 III, on June 17, 2024 at 8:01 EDT. PetaPixel has tested it, and its hands-on first impressions will be published at the same time. YouTube Nikon teaser:
  3. Levina de Ruijter

    Editing restrictions now lifted.

    Dear FoP members, Early on in the life of the forum we had reasons to restrict people's editing time. Much was happening and things were rather hectic. However, many months later the community has settled down, we have an active and loyal member base and after discussing it we decided that...
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